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We provide a Google Shopping Ad service uniquely designed for eCommerce businesses like yours.

Let’s get started

If ranking in position one is important for you, then consider Google Shopping ads as position zero; placement above both the search ads and organic rankings that you’ll be competing with for the user’s attention.

As a Google Premier Partner, we can also provide unique insights and benefits that can give you that extra edge needed to duke it out with the big brands that have a seven-digit number next to their marketing budget.

The best option for small to medium-sized eCommerce companies

Just like how Add People are optimised to service SME’s, our Google Shopping campaigns are also perfectly suited to those with smaller brands and smaller budgets.

That’s because this form of PPC doesn’t need you to be a household name; all you need is a product and a price. 

Another reason to love Google Shopping Ads is that campaigns are easily optimised and scaled. This means that if a certain product or category is really converting, then we can very easily scale that upwards with the knowledge that more investment will likely mean more profit. 

74% of businesses say PPC is a huge driver for their business
50% Visitors from PPC Ads are 50% more likely to convert
200% For every $1 spent on Google Ads, businesses earn $2 back on average - a 200% return on investment

What our Google Shopping campaigns look like.

Let’s get started

This is all about that position zero and being that first site to grab the users attention.

Like most forms of PPC, our Google Shopping campaigns are incredibly data-driven. Don’t worry, the statistics might look a little daunting but our team have been number-crunching for years and we’re more than comfortable translating it into clear English when necessary. 

The key here is that numbers don’t lie and our data-driven approach means that we can be laser-focused on getting you good returns and not be distracted by needless information. That approach is consistent throughout our Google Shopping Ad offerings, which include…

Optimising Existing Campaigns

A lot of our clients already have campaigns running when they join us and you’ll be surprised what a few tweaks can do to maximise your return on investment. Let us show you.

Starting Campaigns From Scratch

We’ve also set up hundreds of companies on the platform and we can help you cut through all the jargon to hit the ground running with a campaign that suits your business and audience.

Product Feed Optimisation

We will manage your products and main feed to keep it up-to-date and looking clean so when people visit, it has the kind of polish that will make them trust you with their money.

Dedicated Account Managers

Add People is all about providing the human touch to something that can be quite robotic like data analysis. That’s why we provide you with an account manager that will personally handle your campaign and learn exactly what makes your business and your audience tick.


A decorative image, thought to represent the website improvements that a CRO agency can do.
Reporting and Foresights

We also provide reporting at a level that suits you. If you want to learn everything there is about query sculpting and CSS and the rest of that jargon, then we’re happy to run you through everything on a weekly basis. However, if you want to leave us to what we do best while you run the business, then we can keep our communications to a simple, monthly format.

We're proud of our reputation

The timeline of your campaign.

Let’s get started

Trial period

We offer a 6-week trial for you to test the waters with our PPC team. If you like the experience and believe in the returns we can get you, then we can take it further. If not, then you can leave with no strings attached!  


Introduction to CSS

If you come on board fully, we will onboard you onto a Comparison Shopping Service that could reduce the cost per click on your shopping ads by 20%. 


Feed optimisation

We will then put new product listings live or optimise existing ones to improve your ad positioning and visibility. This is all to suit our overall aim of increasing sales and profitability with sustainable business growth.  


Click Fraud protection

It’s important to stay protected, so we would then introduce you to our Click Fraud software which will improve the quality of your traffic by removing low-value users from seeing your ads. 


Google International Shopping Partner

As one of 20 agencies within EMEA that are accredited by Google, we can then help you sell your products internationally. We can assist with website translations, logistics and even identify global opportunities. 


Early access to new tools and products

With our status as Google Partners, we also get access to new tools and products before others. This means that you might be able to get ahead of your competition with new services they won’t even see for months. 


Consistent optimisation and reporting

On top of all that, we will also be consistently tweaking and optimising your adverts to make sure that you’re getting as much value for money as possible. We will then update you with our progress at regular intervals, so you always know exactly what’s happening with your business.

Featured case study

Baby Boutique see a BOOM in revenue through shopping campaigns with Add People

In January 2020, Baby Boutique made £151.27 from paid ads. By January 2021, with Add People at the helm, they brought in over £16,000 through our bespoke paid advertising campaign. This adds up to a crazy, 11,015% increase in year-on-year revenue through their website.

View case study

11,015% year-on-year increase in revenue
27,757% year-on-year increase in conversions
£16,000+ revenue in one month from paid ads

Meet your PPC team(s)

Most companies we work with were founded on a passion for the industry and a specialist focus for it. This is also true for our PPC team, who found their calling in a role that combines the reliability of maths and numbers with the satisfaction of helping small to medium-sized businesses grow.

Our Helpdesk team

Specialists in… getting serious results with low-to-medium budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

Our Managed team

Specialists in… handling premium accounts and managing high budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

Our eCom team

Specialists in… delivering bespoke shopping campaigns for eCommerce businesses that want to take their online presence to the next level.

What’s the difference between Google Shopping and Google Ads?

Google Shopping is better suited for eCommerce businesses, as it can very organically and directly get your products in front of audiences at the point of wanting to convert. Google Ads is more universal as you don’t have to sell products for it to work. So, for someone like a plumber that provides a service you can’t buy online, typical Google Ads would be better suited.

Does Google Shopping have a quality score?

Yes, Google does use a quality score system to keep low-quality and/or irrelevant products away from the listing. You can keep this score high by making sure your product page loads quickly, the bounce rate is low and your ID’s are kept consistent.


How do Google Shopping Ads drive engagement?

These drive engagement by providing a clear and appealing ad that is appearing as a tailored result to what they’re actively searching for. By giving them a better sense of the product before even interacting with the ad, the user is being engaged into a click and hopefully a conversion. 

Get started with Add People

From dog walkers to dentists, and electricians to eCommerce sites, we’ve seen it all. Give us a call and see how our digital marketing experts can help to grow your business online.

08450 30 4444

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