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YouTube advertising options that reliably deliver for small to medium-sized businesses.

Not being on the second largest search engine could be the single largest mistake you’re making.

Let’s get started

As one of the most visited websites on the internet, you can reach over one billion people with YouTube advertising. However, that number doesn’t matter to us. We’re interested in the percentage of that billion that you would consider your target audience.

With the deep insights and analysis we’re provided by YouTube, we can pinpoint the users that we know will care about what you offer. With this information, we can cost-effectively drive targeted traffic to your site, increase brand awareness and – the real reason you want to work with Add People – increase your revenue. All by matching your advert to an audience that fits.

The best part is, even if the audience isn’t interested, you don’t pay until they’ve stuck with the advert or interacted with it. That means that, at the very least, you can get a minimum of five seconds of free, targeted exposure before you spend a penny.

33% baby boomers go on YouTube to learn more about a product or service.
90% of people discover new brands or products via YouTube.
70% of YouTube viewers have made a purchase from a brand as a result of seeing it on YouTube.

Why YouTube advertising works.

You might not think that YouTube advertising would work for a small to medium-sized business like yours. The clients we’ve consistently delivered results for thought the same before they joined.

Let’s get started

The truth is that it works for small businesses in the same way it works for large businesses: by combining strategy with execution. We have a very small window to capture the audience’s attention and create a connection with them, and we’re very good at squeezing that small opportunity for all its worth.

This means getting it in front of people that will already have an interest and understanding of your niche, creating quality display content that sets you apart from the rest and keeping up to date with the fast-paced world of YouTube so you’re never left behind.

Our team are also trained in creating eye-catching videos and images, too. By combining research of what works in the industry with some of the latest creative tools and software around, we can create something that doesn’t just look good but drives traffic.

We’re proud of our reputation

How we’ll deliver your YouTube ad campaign for you

We learn all about you

We’ll speak with you on the phone to learn about your business, audience, goals; everything we need to hit the ground running with your YouTube campaign.

Audit your YouTube channel

We’ll then audit your YouTube channel to see first-hand what work needs doing. This will involve looking at your subscribers, views, UX, competitors and more with a very holistic approach. 

A decorative image, thought to represent the website improvements that a CRO agency can do.
Research the auctions

Once we understand you, we can look for which auctions we should bid for. We need to make sure that we’re getting our ads in front of the right audience and at the right time, and we can do this by using YouTube data to understand interests and demographics to target.

Show you our plans

Next, we’ll show you the strategy we’ve landed on. We’ll show you the number of audiences we’re going to target, our split tests, the amount of reach your budget will get and much more.

Go live

This is the fun part… the campaign goes live!

Analyse and optimise

We typically wait two/three weeks of the campaign being live so we can get some valuable data and insight from it. With that, we can make tweaks where necessary so you’re getting as much bang for your buck as possible.

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Report to you

We then report to you using our analytics to see how your campaigns are performing, so you’re always kept up to date with what’s happening with your business.

Meet your PPC team(s)

Most companies we work with were founded on a passion for the industry and a specialist focus for it. This is also true for our PPC team, who found their calling in a role that combines the reliability of maths and numbers with the satisfaction of helping small to medium-sized businesses grow.

Our Helpdesk team

Specialists in… getting serious results with low-to-medium budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

Our Managed team

Specialists in… handling premium accounts and managing high budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

Our eCom team

Specialists in… delivering bespoke shopping campaigns for eCommerce businesses that want to take their online presence to the next level.

Featured case study

Baby Boutique see a BOOM in revenue through shopping campaigns with Add People

In January 2020, Baby Boutique made £151.27 from paid ads. By January 2021, with Add People at the helm, they brought in over £16,000 through our bespoke paid advertising campaign. This adds up to a crazy, 11,015% increase in year-on-year revenue through their website.

View case study

11,015% year-on-year increase in revenue
27,757% year-on-year increase in conversions
£16,000+ revenue in one month from paid ads

YouTube Advertising FAQ's

I don’t have any videos, can I still use YouTube advertising?

Just like other PPC ad types, all you need is a brand or offering to advertise. This could either be a simple text-based display ad that links to your site, or if you want to be fancier, we can help you create a video that really gets across your story and unique selling points.

How long will it take to see results with YouTube advertising?

If you’re looking for site traffic, then the results can come very quickly as the click-through rate for YouTube ads is very solid, which is why this type of advertising is great for building a brand. Whether this traffic leads to conversions will depend on your website, which you may want to improve using our web dev or SEO services.

Can you use retargeting on YouTube?

Yes, you can retarget people on YouTube. This is just another tool we can use to deliver hyper-personalised results to audiences. This means we can catch them further down the purchasing funnel because they’ll already know about (and have shown an interest in) your brand previously. 

How much do YouTube ads cost?

This is a very flexible marketing channel, which is another reason why small to medium-sized businesses are drawn towards it. The ads can be suited for any budget, although many recommend starting at £6 per day. If for any reason you need to instantly pull your YouTube advertising budget, then this is also possible as we can pause adverts until a later date – essentially freezing the outgoings. 

Get started with Add People

From dog walkers to dentists, and electricians to eCommerce sites, we’ve seen it all. Give us a call and see how our digital marketing experts can help to grow your business online.

08450 30 4444

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