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Instagram story asking a question about Amazon Ads
"Why do I need to do Amazon Ads if I'm already running Google Ads?"

“Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world.

Not utilising this platform could be the equivalent of missing out on tens of thousands of potential customers.

Amazon could be utilised as an extra arm of your wider digital strategy.

You don’t want all your eggs in one basket.”

Instagram story asking if Amazon will work for my business
"How do I know if Amazon will work for my business?"

“Amazon won’t work for every business, as consumer buying habits vary between platforms.

However, a quick search on Amazon to see if any of your products are being sold can be an indicator for your industry.

Alternatively, you can always get in touch with Add People and we can also analyse the market to identify opportunities.”

Instagram story asking if there are any products you can't sell on Amazon
"Are there any products you can't sell on Amazon?"

“Yes, there’s quite a lot!

You can find a full list of products here:″

Instagram story asking a question about how hard it is to get into the Buy Box on Amazon
"Is it hard to get into the Buy Box on Amazon?"

“It can be difficult to obtain the buy box on Amazon, as there are different factors that carry different weights of importance.

Some of the most important factors are fulfilment method, price, % of perfect orders and the delivery time.

With this being said, if you elect to use Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA), you gain automatic buy box eligibility.

If you’re the only seller of a product, then you also won’t need to worry about these factors.”

Instagram story asking a question about customer queries on Amazon
"If I'm selling through Amazon, do they handle any customer questions?"

“On each product page, there is a section for a customer to ask questions above the reviews section.

In this section, both you and a previous customer can answer any of these questions.

If you elect to respond to the question with your Seller Central account, the reply will state that you’re the Seller.

If a customer replies, their name or ‘Amazon Customer’ will show instead.”

Instagram story asking a question about character count on titles and descriptions on Amazon
"How important is using the full character count for titles and descriptions on Amazon products?"

“It is very important as the characters used within the titles and descriptions are the key factors for your products organic ranking.

It is recommended that you use up to 200 characters within your titles and 1000 characters within your bullet points.

Use these character limits wisely though and include lots of relevant keywords and search terms that your consumers are looking for.”

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